International Journal of Nonviolence The International Journal of Nonviolence is an academic publication which provides a comprehensive, practical and theoretical exploration of nonviolent action. The journal seeks to connect nonviolence scholarship with those who apply it to conflicts around the world. As such, it is the only journal of its type. Contemporary scholarship on nonviolence - as distinct from peace studies and conflict resolution - is currently dispersed throughout a wide variety of alternative and academic publications. Accordingly, more than forty of the world's most notable authorities in nonviolence have come together to collect and disseminate news concerning the continuing academic and practical application of nonviolence in conflict situations. The first edition of the International Journal of Nonviolence is slated for publication during the Summer of 1993, and will include articles on the use of nonviolent power and resistance in struggles in China, Indonesia, Lebanon, Palestine, Russia and the Former Yugoslavia. Subscription Rates are $US10.00 for students/low income; $US15.00 for individuals; and $US25.00 for organizations and institutions. Please note that there is an additional charge of $US5.00 for surface delivery and $US8.00 for airmail delivery on overseas orders. Send your order to: International Journal of Nonviolence, PO Box 39127, Friendship Station, NW, Washington, D.C. 20016, USA or email: nonviolence The International Journal of Nonviolence is a publication of Nonviolence International. ISSN: 1069-2541.