This version is of historical interest only. See updated version.

Adding Structured Control-flow to any* Assembler (part 2)

[* Well almost any. Unfortunately this method cannot be used with the GNU Assembler because it does not allow the assembly location to be moved backwards. For the GNU Assembler, an attempt to .org backwards is an error.]

In part 1 I showed how to set up the control-flow stack and how to use it to implement the structured conditionals _IF _ENDIF and _IF _ELSE _ENDIF, and the structured loops _BEGIN _UNTIL and _BEGIN _WHILE _ENDW. In this part we look at short-circuit-AND and OR conditionals, switch/case statements and counted loops. These can all be implemented using the 5 basic control-flow elements defined in part 1: _IF, _ENDIF, _BEGIN, _UNTIL and _CS_SWAP (which swaps the top two elements of the control-flow stack).

Short-Circuit Conditionals (using overlapping structures)

A short-circuit conditional is a conditional involving multiple tests where we don’t bother doing the later tests if the result of an earlier test makes this unnecessary. For example, in the AND case, if the first test returns FALSE the overall result must be false. Higher-level languages usually distinguish logical AND and OR from bitwise AND and OR and treat the former in a short-circuiting manner. For example, C has && and || as short-circuiting Boolean operators.

In assembly language, we don’t usually explicitly AND or OR the results of multiple tests together. The logical relationship is implicit in the control-flow. For example, in the AND case, if the first test fails we simply jump past the remaining tests, which is of course what the corresponding short-circuit C-code would compile to.

In the case of a short-circuit-AND with no ELSE clause, this is easy to do using our existing structured control-flow macros. We can simply nest multiple _IF _ENDIFs.

Instead of                                                 we can write

        tst     R8                        tst     R8
        jnz     label                     _IF     _Z
        tst     R9                            tst     R9
        jn      label                         _IF     _NN
        mov     R9,R8                             mov     R9,R8
label:                                        _ENDIF

Unfortunately, short-circuit-OR, and any short-circuit with an ELSE clause, is more difficult to do in a strictly structured manner. By “strictly structured” I mean not only using matching sets of keywords that represent one entry and one exit, but also using them in a strictly nested manner (like parentheses [or brackets]). But we can do them in a manner that avoids the need for labels, by allowing overlapping structures (like these strange parentheses [and) brackets].

For short-circuit-OR with no ELSE clause:

Instead of                                                 we would like to write

        tst     R8                        tst     R8
        jz      label1                    _IF     _NZ
        tst     R9                            tst     R9
        jn      label2                        _IF     _NN
label1:                                   _ENDIF
        mov     R9,R8                             mov     R9,R8
label2:                                       _ENDIF


But we can’t do that because the assembler ignores our indenting and takes the first _ENDIF as terminating the immediately preceding _IF _C when we want it to terminate the prior _IF _NZ. The trick is to define a word _END_PRIOR_IF as follows.


; Resolve a forward jump due to the _IF, _ELSE or _WHILE
; that came _before_ the most recent unresolved _IF, _ELSE or _WHILE.
               _CS_SWAP        ; Get the prior _IF address back on top
               _ENDIF          ; Back-fill the jump instruction for the prior _IF

Then for short-circuit-OR, instead of                         we can write

        tst     R8                        tst     R8
        jz      label1                    _IF     _NZ
        tst     R9                            tst     R9
        jn      label2                        _IF     _NN
label1:                                   _END_PRIOR_IF
        mov     R9,R8                             mov     R9,R8
label2:                                       _ENDIF


It turns out that _END_PRIOR_IF is all we need, to do short-circuited structures with any number of ANDed or ORed conditions, and with ELSE clauses. The equivalent of the C-like OR conditional


_IF _CC1 || _CC2 || _CC3 ... _ELSE ... _ENDIF


is written as


      _IF _CC1_inverse
          _IF _CC2_inverse
              _IF _CC3


Note the inversion of all but the last condition in the short-circuit OR.


The equivalent of the C-like AND conditional


_IF _CC1 && _CC2 && _CC3 ... _ELSE ... _ENDIF


is written as


      _IF _CC1
          _IF _CC2
              _IF _CC3


Notice how the _END_PRIOR_IFs come after the _ELSE in the short-circuit AND, whereas they come after the _IF in the short-circuit OR.


The implementation of all the other control-flow words in these articles is derived from their implementation in the language Forth. The evil idea of _END_PRIOR_IF, and using overlapping control-flow structures to implement label-free short-circuit conditionals, is mine.


Short-Circuit Conditionals (without overlapping structures)

The above overlapping control-flow structures can be difficult to read, so I now show how to define a more readable set of non-overlapping words for doing short-circuit conditionals. They ultimately resolve to exactly the same macro calls, but those nasty _END_PRIOR_IFs are hidden away. The names of these assembly-language macros are inspired by some extensions to standard Forth, written by Wil Baden. Note that the definitions of _ELSES, _END_IFS and _OR_IFS require a macro loop.


The equivalent of the C-like AND conditional


_IF _CC1 && _CC2 && _CC3 ... _ELSE ... _ENDIF


is written as




        _AND_IF _CC1


        _AND_IF _CC2


        _AND_IF _CC3




        _ENDIF         ; Use _ENDIFS if there is no ELSES clause


The equivalent of the C-like OR conditional


_IF _CC1 || _CC2 || _CC3 ... _ELSE ... _ENDIF


is written as




        _OR_ELSE _CC1


        _OR_ELSE _CC2


        _OR_IFS  _CC3






They are defined as follows.


_COND   MACRO                  ; Begin a short-circuit conditional of either type

        _CS_PUSH 0             ; Push an _IF-count of zero onto the control flow stack




_AND_IF MACRO cond             ; Short circuit AND condition

_count  SET _CS_TOP+1          ; Copy and increment the _IF-count

        _CS_DROP               ; and take it off the stack for now

        _IF cond

        _CS_PUSH _count        ; Put the _IF-count back on the stack




_ELSES  MACRO                  ; Used in place of ELSE for short circuit AND

_count  SET _CS_TOP-1          ; Copy and decrement the _IF-count

        _CS_DROP               ; and take it off the stack permanently


        REPT _count            ; Repeat _IF-count - 1 times

               _END_PRIOR_IF  ; Resolve a forward jump





_ENDIFS MACRO                  ; Used in place of ENDIF for short-circuit AND, but only when there is no ELSES clause

_count  SET _CS_TOP            ; Copy the _IF-count

        _CS_DROP               ; and take it off the stack permanently

        REPT _count            ; Repeat _IF-count times

               _ENDIF         ; Resolve a forward jump





_OR_ELSE MACRO cond            ; Short circuit OR condition, except last

        ; Calculate the inverse condition. This will be different for different processors

_inverse_cond SET  ((cond&1)==0)*(cond+1) + ((cond&1)!=0)*(cond-1)   ; Example only

_count  SET _CS_TOP+1          ; Copy and increment the _IF-count

        _CS_DROP               ; and take it off the stack for now

        _IF _inverse_cond

        _CS_PUSH _count        ; Put the _IF-count back on the stack




_OR_IFS MACRO cond             ; Last short-circuit OR condition

_count  SET _CS_TOP            ; Copy the _IF-count

        _CS_DROP               ; and take it off the stack for good

        _IF     cond

        REPT _count            ; Repeat _IF-count times

               _END_PRIOR_IF  ; Resolve an unconditional forward jump





CASE statement


Here are the macros needed to implement a simple CASE (or switch) statement for the IAR assembler and MSP430 instruction set. You should be able to easily adapt them to your own assembler and target. Note that the definition of _END_CASE requires a macro loop. These macros generate code equivalent to a series of IF ELSE ENDIFs. They do not use a jump table or anything more sophisticated.


; Typical use:


;       _CASE

;           _OF  #1,R8        ; OF uses CMP (word comparison)

;                ...

;           _ENDOF

;           _OF_B  ’B’,R8     ; OF_B uses CMP.B (byte comparison)

;               ...

;           _ENDOF

;           ...               ; default case

;       _ENDCASE



        _CS_PUSH 0      ; Push an _OF-count of zero onto the control flow stack



_OF     MACRO src,dest  ; src is usually #N, dest can be Rn, X(Rn), &ADDR, ADDR

_count  SET _CS_TOP+1   ; Increment the _OF-count

        _CS_DROP        ; and take it off the stack for now

        CMP src,dest    ; Assemble the word comparison

        _IF _EQ         ; Mark where a conditional jump will be backfilled later

        _CS_PUSH _count ; Put the _OF-count back on the stack



_OF_B   MACRO src,dest  ; src is usually #N, dest can be Rn, X(Rn), &ADDR, ADDR

_count  SET _CS_TOP+1   ; Increment the _OF-count

        _CS_DROP        ; and take it off the stack for now

        CMP.B src,dest  ; Assemble the byte comparison

        _IF _EQ         ; Mark where a conditional jump will be backfilled later

        _CS_PUSH _count ; Put the _OF-count back on the stack




_count  SET _CS_TOP     ; Take the _OF-count off the stack for now


        _ELSE           ; Resolve the previous unconditional jump

                        ; and mark where an unconditional jump will be backfilled later

        _CS_PUSH _count ; Put the _OF-count back on the stack




_count  SET _CS_TOP     ; Take the _OF-count off the stack for good


        REPT _count     ; Repeat _OF-count times

          _ENDIF        ; Resolve an unconditional forward jump




Counted Loops


Here we have the macro definitions for counted loops. You might prefer “FOR” and “NEXT” instead of Forth’s “DO” and “LOOP”.


; Post-tested counted loops (fastest)


; Typical use:


;    _DO  #5,R8

;        ...            ; Will be done 5 times. _DO #0 would do 65536 times.

;    _LOOP  R8          ; Must have same destination as matching _DO


;    _DO  #10,R9

;        ...            ; Will be done 5 times.

;    _MLOOP  #2,R9      ; Minus 2 each time, so R9 takes on only even values.


_DO     MACRO src,dest  ; src is usually #N, dest can be Rn, X(Rn), &ADDR, ADDR

        MOV src,dest    ; Assemble a move instruction

        _BEGIN          ; Mark the start of a loop



_LOOP   MACRO dest

        DEC   dest      ; Assemble a decrement instruction

        _UNTIL _Z       ; The conditional end of a post-tested loop



_MLOOP  MACRO src,dest  ; “M” for minus

        SUB   src,dest  ; Assemble a subtract instruction

        _UNTIL _Z       ; The conditional end of a post-tested loop



; Pre-tested counted loops


; Typical use:


;    _QDO  #7,R8        ; “Q” for question

;        ...            ; Will be done 7 times. _QDO #0 would do 0 times

;    _QLOOP  R8         ; Must have same destination as matching _QDO


;    _QDO  #21,R9

;        ...            ; Will be done 7 times

;    _QMLOOP  #3,R9     ; Minus 3 each time, so R9 takes on only multiples of 3


_QDO    MACRO src,dest

        MOV src,dest    ; Assemble a move instruction

        _BEGIN          ; Mark the start of a loop

        TST dest        ; Assemble a test instruction

        _WHILE _NZ      ; Assemble the conditional exit of a pre-tested loop




        DEC   dest      ; Assemble a decrement instruction

        _ENDW           ; Assemble the end of a pretested loop



_QMLOOP MACRO src,dest

        SUB   src,dest  ; Assemble a subtract instruction

        _ENDW           ; Assemble end of a pretested loop



I wish you all the best with your own implementation. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you spot any errors or omissions above, have any questions, or just to tell me if this was useful.


-- Dave Keenan, 2014-May-26 (last updated 2015-Oct-05)
