Dear friends,

Many thanks for your help in my struggle for the legal recognition of my conscientious objection to paying tax for military purposes.

If you want to be removed from my mailing list on this topic, just say so by reply email.

Receiving a Bankruptcy Notice last Thurday night (25-Jun-98) was just the motivation I needed to set up my web site, with a history and other resources relating to my struggle. See http://

If you only want to keep up with the latest developments you can just check regularly at

Of particular interest are the thoughtful email exchanges I have had with Hon Arch Bevis MP, my local federal member and shadow minister for defence. These are linked to the above page, starting at 1998-Jun-25.

I still haven't had a reply from the Treasurer (who has responsibility for the tax office), so please write to him if you haven't already. See Please also send a copy of any such letter to me.

-- Dave Keenan