From: "Bevis, Arch (MP)" [Address removed] To: Dave Keenan [Address removed] Subject: Your proposal for a conscientious Tax Register Date: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 18:23:10 +1000 X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.1960.3) Dear Dave, I was not aware of the Peace Trust Fund Bill. As it was presented to the Senate before my first election in 1990, I wasn't involved in any consideration of it. I have checked the Hansard and find that the Bill was introduced by Senator Valentine, she gave one speech on it, after which no further debate or vote occurred. In accordance with standing orders, it was subsequently removed from the Senate notice paper. The basic proposition you advance is that conscientious objection to paying taxes for some matters - those associated with real or perceived life and death situations- should be allowed. You identify two possible examples, Military funds and abortion - as the only examples. As there are only two examples you dismiss the dilemma I posed that I receive similar complaints for tax 'deductions' for other issues. Let me give some other examples that come to mind quickly ( I suspect I could identify many more if I had the time). People who refuse blood transfusions on religious grounds would have a similar right to object to part of there taxes going to certain health services both directly and by way of tax deductions for donations to the Red Cross blood bank. Those who are opposed to birth control, not just abortion, would have a similar argument about including government funds for many community organisations. Worse, they could seek deductions for foreign aid programs that include family planning measures. Lest you think these are unrealistic examples, you may recall that a few years ago one Senator held up the entire budget until concessions were made in the foreign aid program to China precisely because of birth control programs we funded. Frankly, I think it is not as straight forward as you say. The concerns I expressed in my earlier e-mail still stand. Now to your specific and immediate problem. I will write to the Treasurer requesting that no court action be taken against you in this matter. I don't like our chances. But like you, I am willing to tilt at windmills - probably not as many as you though. One final comment. I have a good friend and relative who studied (and I think lectured in) non violent conflict resolution. I recall very well our discussions. Notwithstanding Ghandi's successes, I don't dismiss Clausewitz as swiftly as you. I do hope things work out for you. Arch Bevis