Hi Belinda, It isn't true that no one can buck the system. They would like you to believe that thing about death and taxes, but the fact is, in modern Australia at least, death is in a very different category of certainty from taxes. Robert Burrowes, who you will have seen mentioned in my articles, has maintained his stance. He remains in bankruptcy and hasn't paid a cent. He politely refused to fill out that big form (but had no assets anyway) and was charged with contempt of court. He was found guilty but the judge declined to punish him in any way. This lack of punishment is allowed by law and was suggested to the judge by the tax office! Why would the tax office suggest this? Maybe they didn't want to make a martyr of him by having him sent to jail, but maybe, just maybe, they were guided by their consciences once the law was seen to be upheld. Robert has chosen not to earn any income and is currently living off the land in the East Gippsland state forest with his partner Anita (and no children) plus donations from supporters such as his parents and siblings and myself. With support from family and friends it is possible, but far from easy. A Queensland Quaker by the name of David Johnson has just begun redirecting the military portion of his taxes and has informed the tax office of this. He and his wife sought the advice of both Robert Burrowes and myself before embarking on this course. It will be interesting to see what happens. Thank you again for your kind words. They mean more than you probably realise. Particularly about "a gift to [my] mum". The other way I may justify paying up now are that there are other struggles to be had at present, and I only have so much energy and health to expend on them. I'm referring to the coming energy crisis, whether from peak oil or global warming. I design and install renewable energy systems, but governments at all levels continue to subsidise the criminal fossil fuel industry and give peanuts to renewables and efficiency. "Clean coal" is a lie and they know it. It is just an excuse to continue business as usual. Regards, -- Dave Keenan