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Issues #15 to #48 have their articles in indvidual TXT files, from #49 to #58 they are HTML files and from #59 to #65 the magazine is a single PDF.
The last issue to be published was:
65, May-Aug 2000
Past issues:
64, Sep-Apr 2000
63, Jun-Aug 1999
62, Mar-May 1999
61, Jan-Feb 1999
60, Sep-Dec 1998
59, Jul/Aug 1998
58, Apr-Jun 1998
57, Dec-Mar 1998
56, Sep-Nov 1997
55, Jul/Aug 1997
54, Apr-Jun 1997
53, Jan-Mar 1997
52, Nov/Dec 1996
51, Sep/Oct 1996
50, May-Aug 1996
49, Mar/Apr 1996
48, Jan/Feb 1996
47, Nov/Dec 1995
46, Sep/Oct 1995
45, Jul/Aug 1995
44, May/Jun 1995
43, Mar/Apr 1995
42, Jan/Feb 1995
41, Nov/Dec 1994
40, Sep/Oct 1994
39, Jul/Aug 1994
38, May/Jun 1994
37, Mar/Apr 1994
36, Jan/Feb 1994
35, Nov/Dec 1993
34, Sep/Oct 1993
33, Jul/Aug 1993
32, May/Jun 1993
31, Mar/Apr 1993
30, Jan/Feb 1993
29, Nov/Dec 1992
28, Sep/Oct 1992
27, Jul/Aug 1992
26, May/Jun 1992
25, Mar/Apr 1992
24, Jan/Feb 1992
23, Oct-Dec 1991
22, Aug/Sep 1991
21, Jun/Jul 1991
20, Apr/May 1991
19, Feb/Mar 1991
18, Dec/Jan 1991
17, Oct/Nov 1990
16, Aug/Sep 1990
15, Jun/Jul 1990