Letters to the Tax Department 20th May 1990 Deputy Commissioner of Taxation, I have enclosed a cheque for $4,092.37 being the amount of tax payable minus $419.00. I am withholding an amount equal to 9.3% of my income tax, assessed at $4,511.37. The figure of 9.3% represents approximately the amount the government spends on defence. I do not support expenditure for military purposes - for weapons of destruction and the training of people in their use. I particularly object to the use of Beecroft Peninsula (the northern arm of Jervis Bay) as a weapons range. This land is sacred to the Aboriginal people of the area, it is also an integral part of a Marine and National Park proposal for Jervis Bay. If you are able to guarantee the outstanding amount will not be used for military purposes, I will be pleased to forward the balance. Perhaps this money could be used to assist in a positive rather then a negative way ... to aid purchase of land for National Parks, and the staffing of the same - or other similar worthwhile community projects. Yours peacefully Janet Mayer 4th July 1990 Deputy Commissioner of Taxation, I received your notice issued 6th June in yesterday's mail. This notice states that I owe the Taxation Department an amount of $419.00, and asks for a remittance or legal recovery action will be instituted without further notice to me. I would like to refer you to my letter of the 20th May, wherein I explain my willingness to pay the above mentioned amount following an assurance from you that this money will not be used for military purposes. My reasons for this decision are outlined in my previous letter to you. You have not yet replied to my earlier letter. However, in order that you understand my sincerity in the matter, and that I do not appear to be making a personal profit from the retention of the money, on 28th June, I sent a cheque for $419.00 to the Peace and Development Foundation, to be held by them until such time as I request otherwise. I trust this explanation is satisfactory and that we may work out an acceptable solution following your response to my previous letter. I expect that you will recognize my right to conscientious objection to militarism and the means used for its support. In 1987, Senator Norm Sanders presented a petition to the Senate, calling on the Australian Government to introduce a Peace Tax Foundation, and in 1989, Senator Jo Vallentine presented a Peace Trust Fund bill to the Senate. If there is presently, or will be shortly, such a fund, I will contribute $419.00 to that fund. Yours peacefully Janet Mayer