Media Information Australia Reviews NVT It's an intelligent 24-pager with reports and assessments of nonviolent training and actions (on issues such as prevention [eds. protection?] of rainforests where Melbourne's RAG [Rainforest Action Group] is featured prominently) and a good deal of theory. The material on Gandhian aspects is well known to anyone who has read at all in this area. More directly relevant to today are issues such as monkeywrenching, tax resistance, or challenges to alleged NVA (nonviolent action) orthodoxies. Nonviolence Today is on Earthnet/Pegasus (peg:davek) and has not only a supporting sub scheme but also 'adoptions' where you can adopt a library or group and pay their sub. It does not avoid tough issues, even if few pay attention to its ideas - No 18 has 'A People's Strategy For the Gulf Crisis'. It is more than ever important to be reminded that this type of position is very much alive. Media Information Australia, no. 61, August, 1991 Eds: Many thanks, Henry.