International Journal of Nonviolence The International Journal of Nonviolence will provide comprehensive, academically-documented orientation and scholarship toward international nonviolence, supported by an international nonviolence research network. A few journals have already begun work in this direction, exploring international issues and global conflict zones: e.g, Gandhi Marg (New Delhi, India), Gewaltfreie Aktion (Berlin, Germany), Azione Nonviolenta (Verona, Italy), and Reconciliation International (Alkmaar, the Netherlands). Our proposed International Journal of Nonviolence will concentrate on: 1) Nonviolent power and resistance: such as civilian-based security in, e.g., Lithuania and Costa Rica; 2) Ethnic, cultural, and gender diversity in conflict systems management: such as in the Intifada; 3) Unarmed peacekeeping in conflict zones: such as the UN in Southern Africa, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and the Western Caribbean - or Greenpeace on the high seas; 4) Struggle for human rights and human needs: such as in land struggles in Palestine or among indigenous peoples against nuclear or other weapons testing; 5) Organizational strategies for maintaining peace: such as in interwoven communication of strategies for conflict resolution or reconciliation; and 6) Economic conversion: such as in contextual, cross-cutting ecological-security and coalition-building, taking funds from disarmament to realize development as proposed by the Netherlands and Scandinavian countries. We plan to publish the journal in English, but would welcome articles submitted in any international language. Title option for first issue: "Nonviolent Power and Resistance: Global Surges - Toward Living Nonviolence (Palestine, Russia, ...)." We would be very happy if you could send or suggest articles for publication. Our address is Nonviolence International, PO Box 39127, Friendship Station, N.W., Washington D.C. 20016, USA. Mubarak Awad, Abdul Aziz Said, Ralph Crow, Paul Hubers