Dear NvT, This is a note regarding the article on Women, Violence and Nonviolent Action which discussed a conference that was held in Manila in 1993. I am a Masters student working on a thesis on violence against women in the former Soviet Union and present day Soviet Successor States. My specific interests are coping mechanisms and support services. The article intrigued me because of some of the community action plans developed by women for dealing with violence. I would be most appreciative of any information you may be able to provide on the situation of women pertaining to my area of study but also welcome more information on these various approaches so that I may incorporate them into my paper as possible approaches. I will also be visiting Russia and could share them with Russian women's organizations as well. Lisa Semenoff Box 760, Grand Forks, B.C. V0H 1H0 Canada. email: Dear NvT, In 1995 For Mother Earth is organising a major walk which will visit five European nuclear weapon states, the Wien headquarters of the Iinternational Atomic Energy Association (IAEA), numerous civilian nuclear facilities and military sites, Chernobyl and the worst human-made accident ever For Mother Earth designed this walk with three demands dealing with the critical nuclear issues of 1995: the Comprehensive test Ban Treaty, the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and the Charter Review of the IAEA The Euro-Walk for a Nuclear-Free World 1995 will call attention to the social, environmental and economic consequences of the Atomic Age and give concrete examples of alternatives. The objective of a nuclear-free world will be met not only through walking but with a petition, street theatre, symbolic actions and nonviolent direct actions. We realize the present situation calls for the walk to not only be on the streets, but trespassing nuclear site areas, government official's offices and jail cells if necessary. For Mother Earth organised the Walk Across America in 1992 where an average of 100 people a day walked over 5,500 kilometres from New York city to the Nevada Test Site to halt nuclear testing on the Western Shoshone Indian land. The Euro-Walk for a Nuclear-Free World 1995 will start in Brussels, 'capital of Europe' in January 1995, and end in Moscow on October 12th 1995, the International Day of Solidarity with Indigenous Peoples. Out route starts in Belgium, passes through France, UK, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia, Ukraine, Belorus, and ends in Russia. Please contact us of you are interested in receiving further information. Rosanne Mitchell For Mother Earth Zilverhof 19, B-9000 Gent, Belgium. Phone: +32 9 233 32 68, Fax: +32 9 233 49 24, Email: