Network Facilitation Collective The Network Facilitation Collective - Kay, Jo, Glen, Rob and travelling Margaret - continues to meet to look at how best to support the nonviolence network around Australia. One of the highlights of the May and June meetings has been planning how to spend the $8000 kindly given to the Centre for Nonviolence by the Lance Reichstein Foundation. Rob has done thorough work writing submissions and an article for the Philanthropy Journal about ANN. We're enjoying the novelty of having spending money and are researching which brand of photocopier, laser printer and fax machine to buy. This office equipment will help provide resources for network communications. As for the ongoing finances of the Centre, pledges and donations have been few in number recently, but have been generous. We are covering costs. Thankyou to all those who have helped the Centre financially. The two resource co-ordinators, Kay and Jo, have organised a "Day in the Centre" coming up soon. The aim of this day is to gather a small team of committed workers to assist the Resource Co-ordinators in running the Centre. At the moment, Jo and Kay each work (unpaid) two days a fortnight and this is really only enough to do maintenance jobs. We need more workers so we can put more energy into bigger projects such as organising all the nonviolence resources in the library. A lot of work remains to be done in establishing the Centre in preparation for the nonviolence boom we keep predicting! Another exciting step the Collective has made is our decision to Pay the Rent to a local Aboriginal group to acknowledge our gratitude for the use of Aboriginal land for the Centre at Commonground. We have also spent time sharing excitement about current nonviolent events around Australia and the media coverage this has been attracting - and the hundreds of people being attracted to nonviolence. There's the Save Albert Park campaign in Victoria, the Kuranda Sky-Rail campaign in Queensland, big forest blockades in Western Australia... (see the phone-link up report for a summary of nonviolent action happening in Australia at the moment). We have started thinking about how to meet the demand for large scale nonviolent training needed in several places in Australia. We also reviewed our interstate contacts and have identified gaps in Canberra, Darwin Alice Springs, and Sydney - so if any nonviolent types are in the areas or in any other unusual location (!) we'd like to hear from you to strengthen our networking. The Collective has been keeping in contact with its Outreach member (hello Margaret) while she's campaigning up North and for all those living in Darwin, Alice Springs and Adelaide, Margaret will be visiting in late August to early September to meet people and share nonviolence skills and resources. The Centre has been running smoothly with day to day maintenance being done - filing, banking, accounts, correspondence... We have decided to subscribe to Nonviolence Today, Peace News and Reconciliation International. We've had several requests for the Centre's pamphlet and the introductory nonviolence workshop kits - and these are still available for those interested. The Centre for Nonviolence can be contacted at: PO Box 474, Seymour VIC 3661, Phone (057) 938400. Please ring or write if you need support for your nonviolent venture. Jo Barter Network Facilitation Collective