People involved in the Australian Nonviolence Network (ANN) may be interested to know about the role of the newly developed ANN Administration Collective, or 'ANNA', its decision-making processes and how ANN participants can be involved in making proposals about how ANN money is applied.
The role of this new Collective is to:
· facilitate decision-making throughout the year in a way that involves people from throughout Australia
· administer our network's funds according to the recommendations of the '97 Gathering
· have a representative on the regular Phone Link Ups
· organise and attend a pre-Gathering meeting to deal with any ANN 'business' that arises before the main Gathering.
This 'pre-Gathering' meeting is to become the prime decision-making forum of the Network with the rest of the Gathering consisting of high quality workshops, skills-development, forums etc. and, of course, more time for all the support, celebration, games and story-telling elements of previous gatherings.
The ANN Admin Collective has both an 'inner' circle of three people who can meet physically and an 'outer' circle of six representatives from throughout Australia who are involved in decision-making via phone, mail, e-mail and special Phone Link Ups. All of the Admin Collective will be meeting just prior to the next ANN Gathering in 1998. It is the aim of this Collective to find simple, appropriate and representative ways of developing the ANN. It is hoped that members of this collective will dedicate at least one year with new members being nominated and volunteering at next year's ANN gathering.
It was decided at the Gathering in April that the bulk of the ANN's remaining funds be used primarily for developing the ANN into the future such as for things that enhance; communication, personal contact, support processes and education within the network on a national basis. Some of this will be available for costs associated with the annual ANN Gatherings and the pre-Gathering Administration Meetings.
It was also decided that some money, up to $4,000, be made available specifically for purposes which meet needs within the Australian Nonviolence Network for nonviolence education and skills-development.
Also we wish to encourage proposals that also support the involvement of people in isolated or under-resourced areas of the national Network.
We would like to invite people or groups within the Network to write proposals for the use of these funds by October 31 1997. In order to make the best decision we request that the proposals be type-written, no more than two pages in length, demonstrate how they meet the criteria above and clearly identify how the money is to be spent. The proposals will be looked at by the ANN Admin Collective with representatives from each state and a decision should be made by the end of November '97.
Looking forward to seeing you again at the next Annual Gathering!
Please send proposals to:
Australian Nonviolence Network P.O.Box 69 Brunswick Victoria 3056
If you would like further information, have more ideas or would simply like to say hello please contact the Admin Collective via:
Anthony Kelly 015 815 333
Ed Mckinley 0357 938 257
David Alderson 03 9386 2082
email: [email protected]