The starting date is Monday, March 23rd.
Lots of help is required in gathering equipment for a long-standing desert camp - everything for cooking, sleeping, loo digging, communications and transport.
At the request of the Mirrar people, all blockaders should have done a course in nonviolence training - so trainers are needed in all centres, preferably to do that task before people hit the Top End.
Blockaders, hardy and hearty are most needed! It will be hot. It will be hard work. Blockaders will be there, in the front line, for those of us unable to leave our homes or jobs.
Over eight months blockaders will need to be there to stop ERA in its tracks.
The Environment Centre of the Northern Territory is coordinating this important event, and of course they need lots of support. Budget is being worked out in detail. But, when you think that a round trip by ordinary car from Darwin to Kakadu is $100, you will get some idea of the large number of dollars needed. The good news is that direct donations are tax deductible!
Cheques should be made payable to: ECNT, clearly marked Jabiluka Action Fund and sent to Jayne Weepers, ECNT, GPO Box 2120, Darwin, NT 0801. Phone: (08) 8981 1984, fax: (08) 8941 0387, email<[email protected]>.