Online Journal

Dear NvT,

The Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution is being published at <> and is interested in submissions for its first issue. The Journal welcomes any work relating to the fields of peace studies and conflict resolution. This could be, but is not limited to, academic papers, personal essays, biographical (or autobiographical) experiences, or web-publishable artwork.

The first issue will be published as soon as enough submissions have been received.

Anyone is welcome to submit, and work will be evaluated on its own merits. If enough interest is generated, a special section will be created for undergraduate and graduate work.

The Journal may publish any and all work received, but will notify the authors if significant (other than simple proof-reading) changes are advised.

The Journal also does not reserve any rights of publication relating to your work, other than the right to keep the work on the Journal page indeterminately.

If you have any questions, or wish to submit a work, e-mail the editors at <[email protected]>.