Gandhi on the Web

Dear NvT,

Author/journalist Mark Shepard offers a collection of Gandhian resources on the World Wide Web. "Mark Shepard's Peace Page" can be found at

Featured are the full text and many photos from nearly all of Mark's publications on Gandhi, nonviolence, and simple living. Titles include Gandhi Today, a report on India's Gandhians, including Vinoba, Shanti Sena, and the Chipko Movement; The Community of the Ark, on Lanza del Vasto's Gandhian community in France; and Mahatma Gandhi and His Myths, the 1990 Annual Gandhi Lecture for the International Association of Gandhian Studies. Also included are excerpts from Gandhi Through a Child's Eyes, edited by Mark for Narayan Desai.

Mark's articles have appeared in nearly every major peace periodical around the world. Gandhi Today was called "a masterpiece of committed reporting" by the American Library Association Booklist.

Mark Shepard

P. O. Box 51160 Pacific Grove, California 93950 USA

Phone: 408-658-0840

Email: [email protected]