Nonviolence Today No. 21 June/July 1991
21.1 The inside front cover
Ad - Civilian-Based Defense: News & Opinion
21.2 Einstein Institute Delegation Discusses
Civilian-Based Defense With Lithuanian Officials
21.3 A Bold Initiative in Lithuanian Defense
21.4 Civilian-Based Defense: A Change in Great
21.5 Nonviolence in Europe: Past and Present
21.6 Australian Social Defence Conference
21.7 Two poems: 'Community', 'No Shared
21.8 Transnational Trainers Gathering
21.9 Appeal to assist NV Trainer
21.10 Notices:
Galtung Lecture and Master Classes.
WRI 20th Triennial Conference
21.11 PBI Emergency Response Network
21.12 Tax Letters and a Reply
21.13 Book Review: 'Civilian-Based
Defense: A Post-Military Weapons System' by Gene Sharp, with the
assistance of Bruce Jenkins
21.14 Gulf Peace Camp: A Memoir and Dream
21.15 Poem: A Common Prayer, by Michael
21.16 Letters -
Is hierarchy inherently violent and violence at any level
inappropriate for human societies?
The Gulf War was not UN led but USA led.
21.17 Ad: NVA Legal Handbook (for New
South Wales, Australia)
21.18 'Media Information Australia' reviews
'Nonviolence Today'